Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Madani (JKMM) or Madani Medika Health Journal is a scientific media publication that publishes original research papers, review articles and case studies that focus on nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, public health and related topics, published by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) of STIKES Madani Yogyakarta or Research and Community Service Unit of STIKES Madani Yogyakarta. JKMM is published twice in one year, namely in June and December. Madani Medika Health Journal accepts publications from universities, government agencies, institutions that have activities in research, science and technology. Manuscripts to be published are the results of selection by peer review using a blind review system and approved by the editorial board, and have never been published in other scientific journals.
The scopes of the journal are:
Nursing: including Pediatric, Management, Medical Surgical, Maternity, mental health, community, Geriatric, Emergency, Hemodialysis, Critical, Pre-operative, Family, complementary and holistic, health education, and palliative nursing.
Midwifery: including pregnancy, childbirth, pathology midwifery, neonates, toddlers, community midwifery, reproductive health, family planning, complementary, and holistic midwifery
Pharmacy: including pharmacology and toxicology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical technology, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical analysis, pharmaceutical physics, natural products, pharmacy and hospital pharmacy practices, case studies and clinical trials
Public Health: including Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Occupational Safety Health, Bio-statistics and Population, Health Promotion, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and Public Health, Mother and Child Health, Administrative and Health Policy and Health Management.